For months now (pretty much since Halloween!) I've been trying to get together with those select friends for an evening of scary movie watching and it just so happens that it finally came to fruition on Christmas Eve! So I decided to mesh the two holidays together and host a "Nightmare Before Christmas" themed soiree! We would take part in delicious Christmas treats while watching a very scary movie!
Even though it's not a cake per se, I thought I'd share the fun spread I made for my friends!
There was a yummy cheese platter (wasn't out yet when I took this picture!), hors d'oeuvres (still in the oven!), homemade eggnog (chilling in the fridge, but SO good!) and now for the sweet treats:
There were snowmen, Christmas trees, candy canes and snowflakes on top of more yummy red velvet/white choco cream cheese cuppies!
Faux gingerbread people cookies! (Acually just vanilla sugar cookies decorated like gingerbread!)
The most yummiest homemade peppermint bark!
And of course, to throw a little horror into the mix:
Some witch finger sugar cookies lying in cotton candy snow!
Everything was so delicious and my friends got such a kick out of all of my treats!
Unfortunately though, the movie my friend picked was a bit of a bust!
Next time, I'LL pick the movie!