Now that the summer is here it's getting hard to find time to fit cake making into the mix! But with my mom's birthday coming up, I knew I'd have to squeeze a special cake for her special birthday into my schedule.
My mom LOVES to collect teapots and teacup sets! Whenever a special occasion rolls around, our gifts to her are usually contributions to her collection. Even though it was an extra special birthday and we were planning a bigger gift than a teapot, I still wanted to incorporate her ever growing collection into the celebration. My mom also loves everything and anything Mary Engelbreit. From socks to stationary, calendars and stickers - whenever she finds anything Mary Engelbreit, she's sure to snatch it up!
After doing some Googling, I found that Mary Engelbreit has a teapot line! It was the perfect idea and inspiration for my mom's birthday cake!

Here is a picture of the actual teapot:

And of course, no tea party is complete without cupcakes!

And obviously they were lined in matching Mary Engelbreit cupcake liners!

My mom was SHOCKED!

She knew I was making her a birthday cake but she had no idea what it would be! I'm still not sure how I kept the cake from her! Everytime I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen I was on MAJOR patrol!!
Needless to say, she absolutely loved her birthday cake!

Another successful cake AND surprise! :)