Since I've started my cake decorating adventure, my parents have been AMAZING! (Not that they weren't amazing before!)
Whether it's driving me around to get supplies or drop off deliveries, or even paying up when necessary, my parents have been there for me and my cakes every step of the way!
With their anniversary fast approaching, I knew I had to do something special for them.
How can I surprise them when I live with them?? It was virtually impossible for me to hide a special cake surprise for their anniversary without them knowing.
Luckily for me, their anniversary fell on a Monday, a day that I don't have school. I woke up to an empty house (both my parents were at work) and I immediately began working on their secret anniversary cupcake surprise!
I worked as fast as I could to not only get the cupcakes finished, but to get the kitchen cleaned up so my parents wouldn't suspect anything! I was so worried that my mom would find a speck of flour or smell fondant in the air and that it would ruin the surprise. Once they were finished, I hid the cupcakes in my room so my mom wouldn't find them while I was at work that evening.
When I got home from work that night, my mom was on the phone, joking to my uncle that she and my dad weren't "special" enough to receive a custom cake by Jess! So far, my plan was working!

Later on when my dad got home from work, I gathered my parents together and made them close their eyes. When they opened their eyes they saw the sneaky anniversary cupcakes I worked so hard to hide! They couldn't believe I snuck those cupcakes past them!
The cupcakes were so delicious, they even made up for me not getting my parents a card!